Forbes released its Fintech fifty listing this calendar week, which included half dozen blockchain companies amongst the media outlet'due south compilation of top financial engineering companies.

Conveying a "Blockchain and Bitcoin" category tag, Forbes listed Axoni, Chainalysis, Coinbase, Everledger, MakerDao and Ripple amongst its top 50 fintech listing for 2022, released on February. 12.

Other contenders on the list included companies such as Plaid, Opendoor and Lemonade, categorized nether payments, real manor and insurance respectively.

Listed alphabetically

Spanning an array of categories within fintech, Forbes equanimous its 2022 list alphabetically.

Amongst the 6 blockchain and crypto-related categories, crypto exchange powerhouse Coinbase touted the most funding, at $525 meg. Ripple came in 2nd identify with $293 one thousand thousand. Everledger posted the smallest funding base of operations among listed crypto firms, at $20 million.

Located almost entirely in the U.Due south.

Forbes noted three similarities for the 50 fintech companies listed regarding shareholding, location and services.

"A couple things all our Fintech l 2022 picks have in common: they're individual companies with operations or customers in the U.S., and they're making it easier, faster and cheaper to employ financial services," the media outlet explained.

Of the fifty businesses listed, 48 telephone call the U.S. habitation. The two remaining fintech players are based in London in the U.Yard.

*The author of this commodity writes regularly equally a Forbes correspondent.